Muslims are practising double standards. So they want to sneak on non-Muslim daughters but they don’t want us to sneak on theirs? To me this proves that Muslims believe that it is only their religion that is superior and others are inferior. I don’t fancy religious debates because neither I nor you have been to Heaven to face our true living God and talk with him in order to know which religion is acceptable in the face of God. But the point remains muslims better revisit their belief or else they have a lot to lose at stake. So they think that our faiths, we who are not of the Muslim Brotherhood are indeed Kafir? How do you expect to have peace between Jews and Arabs if both sides have people who think like you?
It is very interesting that there was one NRM cadre (RIP) who had told me long ago in around 1991 – 93 that the Intermarriage card was one of the Aces up the NRM sleeve while still in the Bush as a solution for Ugandanising the population, the other being Land. Now, the cat has been let out of the bag on the Intermarriage card by the No. 1, unless of course he was misquoted, so then the Land card is for REAL!!!! Then what is the debate all about?
But just a caution, engineered and forced intermarriages as Hitler did in the WW2 in Scandinavia and most countries of western Europe is no solution for a supreme race or defusing inter-tribal differences. This is proven up to today in Europe! I shall remain a person who does not drink milk mixed with blood and enjoy my enseenene while the other will value the dish of milk mixed with blood and stare at me in disgust when he /she sees me enjoying enseenene. God loves it that way, otherwise He wouldn’t have created us different in races, cultural norms etc.
It is better for me to fall in love with a Nyaru while on our studies in USA or France than to bring one purposely and plant her next door in the plot next to mine because someone is so anxious to mix up our tribes, sorry, nations in the hope of solving an artificial problem. What happened in Rwanda ? Didn’t we have many cases of Hutu marrying Tutsi and vice versa? Did that stop the massacre/genocide? So what are we talking about here? Just curious.