Social Achievements

  • Security and professionalization of the army

At dawn of independence, holding power in Uganda witnessed a change of hands from civilian to people in uniform. The Amin regime 1971-79 had a bunch of semi illiterate and in disciplined country officers that were recruited along polarized ethic and tribal groupings. This had implication to the security and the nation. In 1986. NRM reversed all this and transformed the army into a pro-people, an instrument of peace and security. A highly disciplined army was created through standard training and education that forms the basis for both recruitment, and promotion. This can be envisaged in the UPDF role in Somalia and the entire role in keeping peace in the region.

Unlike in the 70s and 80s the UPDF has played noble duty in liberating and revamping the failed state of Uganda. This success has been reached at by comprehending and appreciating the nature of politics and recognizing human rights and civilian oversight. Being the source of the past disorder the army today is directly involved in the legislative activities through their representatives in parliament. This has demystified the relation between the army and civilians thus leading to good governance.

  • Constitutional reform and democracy.

Uganda was born with historical imperfections of a state within a state. This had far reaching impact on the post independent Uganda and chief among them was 13 years of protracted struggles to end fascism. The 1986 change of management took the charge to re-establish and consolidate the rule of law and democracy in Uganda (ten point Programme). To achieve this participate my and democratic approach were sought in the designing and adopting of the amended constitution 1995. The results of such amendments were, since 1966 Uganda held free and fair elections and since 2006, leaders and legislators are elected under a Multi-party dispensation.

  • Decentralization

It is on record that the present system of the local state is premised on the post 1986 reforms by NRM. This system played a big role prior 1986 i.e. during the war, all liberated areas practiced it and it was effective in spite of the mishaps here and there, the decentralization system has ensured efficient delivery of services through participatory decision making, brining services nearer rather than mere administrative approaches. Recentralization of the role of the chief administrative offices who appears to be the accounting offices was intended to strengthen accountability of the local states. Premising the argument on the socio, economic and cultural structures of Uganda that were transplanted into the public administration of resources. (Mazuri)

Accountability ushered civil service reforms that would ensure effective and efficient civil service. For example, the structure of ministries and local government are streamlined and rationalized and their job descriptions redefined.

  • Transparency and accountability.

The NRM government instituted mechanism for transparency and accountability in Uganda. NRMs committed itself to inculcate a culture of transparency and accountability in public life. The above was achieved through the institution of the Inspector General of Government, leadership code of conduct and establishment of the directorate of Ethics and integrity. The two PACs i.e. public accounts committee and parliamentary accounts committees designed to oversee central ministries and local states accounts. Whilst that NRM constitute the majority in parliament, the PAC is chaired by the opposition party member. This creates confidence about the will to combat corruption and any abuse.

  • Corruption.

There is all the effort to fight corruption in Uganda and this can be seen through the government’s commitment to put in place a legal frame work and appropriate institutions. The government has strengthened various anti-corruption agencies notably office of the Auditor general, inspectorate of government (IGG) Directorate for public

Prosecutions (DDP) were all granted status and autonomy in the performance of their duties to ensure effectiveness and a fully-fledged ministry is responsible to ensure that institutions work.

The effort to fight corruption has earned NRM government to live longer at the helm of power. The zero tolerance approach has seen even the untouchables in the Army and senior government officers being censured. For example it is on record in Uganda’s history that an army commander, Army chief of staff and chief of military intelligence were charge with creation of ghost soldiers on the pay roll and relieved of their duties.

  • Peace and stability.

The NRM inherited a troubled turbulent country. Since 1966 Uganda has been bleeding owning to the colonial distortions.

It is true NRM came to power through the barrel of a gun. This was inevitable Uganda is now experiencing total peace security is a guarantee to all citizens.

This success has been as a result of complete expulsion of the LRA terrorist from Uganda to CAR. The biggest and recommendable achievement since 2005 is peace in North region and Teso; people are back to their normal life style. All this is as a result of professionalization of the Army. The security organs are professional making them different from the past regimes that could not separate a friend from an enemy.

  • NRM regional cooperation

Uganda has been accused of interfering in regional conflict. This should be seen in the political historical perspective from the initiate inter states conflict. The defunct UNLA ganged with Sudan to recapture power as easily as 1986 August. Since then Uganda pursued arrangement that ensured interstate security for example Uganda’s involvement in Congo conflict.

Through IGAD Uganda was requested to provide troops to be deployed in Somalia owning to the job well done UN and the African Union got involved. Uganda is at the forefront in the process of the East African integration as a means of ensuring political social and economic security of the region. Uganda is also an integral partner in the international conference on the Great lakes regions (ICGLR).

The role of Uganda in the Somalia process and the regional peace initiative in Burundi is hailed for the restoration of peace in the region. Uganda is at the forefront in the ratification of the fact for security, stability and development in the entire Great lakes region though being a signatory to the Dares salaam declaration on peace, security and development (Uganda media centre 2012). Political Achievements publish open open political-achievements 2012-08-19 08:21:50 2012-08-19 08:21:50 22 0 page 0

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  • Education

No nation can develop without human capital. All transformed economies such as the (Asian Tigers) reveal this, so this was achieved through heavy investment in human capital. This called for expansion and extension of knowledge and awareness. Uganda today boasts of having the biggest number universities in the region unlike in the past where all could struggle for one Makerere. Today five public universities plus over seven private ones have played a big role in the human capital strategy in Uganda.

To achieve the above the government launched the universal primary education (UPE) in 1997 and more recently in 2006 the universal secondary education (USE) this led to an increased environment for it’s moved from 2.5 million to 7.2 million in a life of five years.

  • Reduction in HIV/AIDS prevalence.

The NRM shouted loudest in the prevention and reduction of HIV/AIDS from 30% in the 1990s to six percent in 2007. The government achieved this through encouraging the practice of going public. The reduction in transmission has been achieved via a series of methodological approaches that included; abstinence, being faithful to one partner and use of condom, the policy of to manufacture Anti-Retroviral (ARV) drugs that are now accessed by all infected persons in order to prolonged their life.

  • Promotion of gender equity and balance.

In conformity with the Millennium Development Goals, the NRM government broke the chains of locking women at the back yard. This was as a result of implementing the Beijing programme of Action. Female leaders increased in the professions and politics, Uganda adopted a policy of affirmative action, specifically to boost their enrolment in institution of higher learning especially universities.

The result of this has been the increase in the women elite and professionals at all levels. This also saw the number of women representatives in parliament grow, women have occupied high ranking positions in this country including the recent appointed IGG.


It is under the NRM government that the media has gained considerable freedom and a series of media house shave spring up. In the past there was limited access to independent, privately owned media houses until the freedom of expression was enshrined in the 1995 constitution. It is on record that in 2006. Reporters without borders, Uganda scored 116 positions of 168 in

its annual press freedom index. As regards the print media, many media practitioners found to have committed an offense by printing, publishing any seduction. Today Ugandans are free to print anything including cartoons ridiculing the president. Over 12 television stations are free to telecast anything as long as it does not threaten Uganda’s security. The print media has continuously printed anything on politics, economics, social cultural through their publication such as monitor, Kamunye, Bukeedde, the independent to mention and many others.